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A cafe with a Russian-made robot cashier will open in the UAE


Autonomous robot cafes with a humanoid robot cashier will appear in the UAE, the Perm-based manufacturing company Promobot reported.

The Promobot Vending robotic complex is designed for the automated sale of ice cream, drinks and other goods. The cashier in them is replaced by humanoid robots.

At the moment, an agreement has been signed with a company from the UAE for the supply of at least five robotic cafes during 2022.
“The development of the new model took six months. Promobot Vending is a robotic complex for the automated sale of ice cream and drinks, which allows you to carry out a full cycle of customer service – from ordering to dispensing products, ”said Oleg Kivokurtsev, Development Director at Promobot.

“We see great potential for robocafé. During a pandemic, such a solution is of particular relevance, because everyone is trying to exclude a person from the service process, ”said a representative of the buyer company.

Earlier it was reported that the complex includes a soft ice cream freezer, a carbonated drinks machine, as well as a self-service terminal and a hyper-realistic cashier robot that can communicate with the client.

Source: aif.ru