Novosibirsk farmers are ready to export 1.8 million tons of grain
A record grain harvest was obtained in the Novosibirsk region in 2021. More than half of the volume is in surplus, the regional agriculture ministry said.
“The Novosibirsk agrarians are ready to supply surplus grain outside the region,” said Viktor Apanasenko, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the region. – The total storage capacity of grain in the Novosibirsk region is now 4.9 million tons, and over the past 5 years it has increased by 427 thousand tons. This storage volume with a margin is enough even for such a record harvest, which was harvested in 2021 – we received about 3.38 million tons of grain in weight after processing. ”
1.8 million tons of grain is to be sold to other entities and for export. In September-December 202, 660 thousand tons of grain and oilseeds of the new harvest were exported outside the region by rail, 1.7 times higher than the same period last year.
Novosibirsk grain is exported to Kazakhstan, China, Latvia, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, UAE, Lithuania, Turkey, Japan, Turkmenistan, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Poland and Malaysia.